Holiday Frazzle? Try this…

Frazzled, harried, rushed? Not enough time to get it all done? What if I told you that there is a simple, short and sweet practice you can do to support yourself?

Frazzled, harried, rushed? Not enough time to get it all done?

I get it!

The holiday season can be such a challenge! We want to enjoy connecting time with friends and family, to leisurely pick out the perfect gifts, to make yummy and nourishing foods…And we still have to work and take care of family and home and try to squeeze in some self-care time for ourselves…

It can feel really overwhelming!

What if I told you that there is a simple, short and sweet practice you can do to support yourself?

I know, you’re probably thinking—I don’t have time for one more thing! I felt that way, too, when I first started doing this, but I soon found that it was not only doable, but really helpful.

It’s what I call taking a “Do Nothing Break” or “Being Break.”

And that’s it! You just stop and do nothing except BE. You’ve probably heard that, perhaps overused, but very apt expression, “You are a human being, not a human doing.” During busy times, we can forget that, and when we do, we get lost. We lose track of what matters most to us–of our core values, of our connections with others, of what makes life most meaningful and enjoyable….

So, give it a try! I suggest 5 minutes, but if that feels like too much to start, try 3. And just stop.

If you need to clear your mind, you can jot down notes, but it’s not a note-taking session. Jot it down and come back to the moment, to your breathing and your senses–looking, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching…Keep returning to the present moment.

Try this one small practice this holiday season and see if you don’t feel like you have a little more time, a little more presence, a little more meaning and connection in your life! (Hint: you can do it whenever you need it—i.e., more than once a day!

Author: Katy Taylor

I am a regular person, like you. I am an earth lover, a seeker, a singer, a gardener, a partner and friend. I have attended a lot of trainings and continue to do my work to grow and deepen and become a more loving person. If you're interested, you can read more about me on the About page.

9 thoughts on “Holiday Frazzle? Try this…”

  1. I usually pride myself on knowing how to cool out, but it slipped my mind in all this busyness. Thank you. Here I go for 5 minutes of Being.


  2. I am already too good at zoning out! 🙂 Learned long ago to let go of unessential holiday “shoulds”, but that is probably also my personality. i do try to be mindful, though.


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